Friday, January 21, 2011


Every stinkin' inch of this wedding is gorgeous and I am jealous!

The colors..... ahhhmazing.

Also, getting more and more excited about our photographers, Lovely Union! I think they are going to be a perfect match for us.

Today ended up being a snow day for me, so we are about to head to the Nashville Flea Market and I am pumped!!! Whoo
We have also started working on our wedding website and we found a burnt orange 'acorn theme' for it and I love it.


  1. Oh my! That wedding is ahhhhmazing! The floors in that place are making me drool.

    Also, I loved exploring the Lovely Union website. How crazy and fun that Casey is going to be your wedding photographer!!??!!

  2. Isn't it, though?

    Oh, do you know Casey??? We have some mutual friends but I've never really gotten to talk to him, but I have been getting to know Laura through some emails and she is wonderful! So yes, I am excited!!
