Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Can you tell I've been on the computer too much?

Any votes???? I'm overwhelmed with pretty hair ideas! help!















And now for some Groom ideas that caught my eye: via Well Groom-ed Blog

Reception Ideas: Book/ Art installation and a ribbon sign!

Blooms, berries, and green!

Ok, so it has been a while since I have written- but that doesn't mean that I haven't been doing my research! In fact, I have spent the last few days on the computer. My recent obsession- FLOWERS.

I am very, very, very tempted to do the flowers on my own. It just looks like too much fun.

Here is a great article on using cheap, supermarket spray roses and making them into a beautiful, garden rose looking 12$ bouquet! This is the picture...

Here is the How-To: (via Project Wedding)

These are some recent flower arrangements I have fallen in love with:

Now...how in the world am I supposed to decide when there are so many beautiful possibilities?

Saturday, June 4, 2011